Having cockroaches in your apartment is simply a nightmare. They roam everywhere, inhabiting the kitchen, bathroom, and even the bedroom.
These annoying creatures love humidity and warmth. And at night, they invade rooms by wandering around the house. To get rid of them, you can use this very effective natural trick. It’s the best remedy there is.
Cockroaches, also known as roaches, are crawling insects that like to live in dark, damp places. This insect, which feeds on crumbs and food scraps, often lives in drains, closets, and furniture.
To prevent this parasite from invading, it’s essential to keep your home clean by removing all food particles and grease residue. This cleaning can also be combined with tips to get rid of it once and for all.
What is the best natural repellent to keep cockroaches away from the house?
If you want to permanently banish cockroaches from your home, you should avoid expensive and polluting industrial products and try this 100% natural repellent. This essential kitchen ingredient is ideal for keeping cockroaches away without killing them.
Bay Leaves: The Natural Cockroach Repellent
Bay laurel is a plant with a thousand and one benefits. This natural product is not only popular in the kitchen, but can also be used in other ways around the home. Bay leaves can be transformed into an infallible weapon to keep cockroaches away.
To take advantage of their repellent properties, place about ten bay leaves in each corner where bedbugs have taken up residence. You can also dry them to make a powder.
If you choose the latter, sprinkle it on areas where insects hang out. Whether you use fresh or dried bay leaves, they give off an intense scent that repels these insects.
Cockroach Control with Diatomaceous Earth
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