Liberally season your fish with an all-purpose seafood seasoning blend.
Bring the pan to med-high heat, add just enough oil (EVOO) to barely coat the pan, and add a couple of tablespoons of butter.
Place fish in the pan and cook until nicely browned, about 4 to 5 minutes on one side….. Add in the sliced lemon, a squeeze of lemon juice, and a teaspoonful of capers.
Flip the fish and cook another 4 to 5 minutes on another side, reducing heat to med.
We had this with tomato and arugula salad so guess what, that makes the entire dish keto-friendly yet packed with flavor.
Lemon Curd Pavlova
Cheesy Chicken and Vegetable Bake
Tip: Add the lemon juice while the eggs are boiling.
Food stains on clothes, grandmothers’ infallible remedy: they will disappear in 1 second
Cranberry Bread Pudding
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The Ultimate Kentucky Butter Cake: A Decadent Delight
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This is absolutely delicious—I can’t resist indulging in it!