Methods to keep bed bugs away: here are the most effective ones
Among the most effective methods to keep bed bugs out of the house we can certainly find mosquito nets . It is a barrier that can keep all insects away, including bed bugs, and can be easily used in any type of home. It can be installed on windows and doors.
Specific products should not be underestimated either . These are products that are in most cases eco-sustainable and that in principle take advantage of the very movements of these insects, capturing them and then releasing them into the wild without killing them. In fact, they keep them away in a sustainable and non-aggressive way.
Did you know that garlic is also particularly effective?
One of the most interesting and useful natural remedies against parasites of all kinds, especially those that invade the garden. You can make a real decoction , which you can then spray on the affected surfaces or on the plants in the garden. In this way, bedbugs are effectively repelled.
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