Sure, tell that to my burning lungs and pounding headache. Constant Invasions And don’t even get me started on his surprise visits. I swear, the man has a sixth sense for showing up at the worst possible moments. Taking a shower? There’s Mr. Wildrick. In the middle of a work call? Mr. Wildrick decides it’s time to “check the pipes.” It was like living with a creepy, unwanted roommate who had a key to my place.The kicker? When I moved in, this place was a dump. Peeling wallpaper, carpet that looked like it hadn’t been cleaned since the 80s, and a kitchen straight out of a horror movie.
How to clean copper and brass with my simple and natural tips
Best Southern Fried Chicken
I knew I had to try this Amish recipe as soon as I saw it. It was scrumptious and lived up to the hype!
Orange Syrup Cake Recipe
My Father Took Back the Motorcycle He Gifted Me after I Restored It, So I Got My Revenge