Not only was he there for his mother and younger sister, but he also touched the lives of everyone around him.
“The family is in need of a lot of support at this time, as you can imagine,” the GoFundMe campaign states. “We are asking for your help in raising money for Michael Jeffrey and his family so that he can be given the funeral and memorial services that he deserves to honor his life. Anything you can give to the family is much appreciated.”
The online fundraising campaign aims to raise $40,000. Through over 670 donations, the campaign has collected more than $32,000. People continue to donate whatever they can to help support the grieving family.
After seeing the response to the fundraiser, the GoFundMe campaign organizer posted an update:
“The outpouring of support is amazing. We want to thank everyone so much for helping Enjoli, Layla, and the rest of the family during this devastating time.”
The update informed people about another GoFundMe campaign circulating online, created by the Lumberton Township.
The family feels grateful for the other fundraising campaign and asked people to donate to any of the online fundraisers.
In response to the tragedy, Liberty Lake Day Camp has made its clinical social worker available for counseling to those affected by the incident.
The camp has also pledged to continue its summer program with an increased focus on safety.
For anyone needing mental health support, Care Solace is available 24/7 to connect individuals to verified providers in the community. They can be reached at 888-515-0595.
As the investigation continues, the Stewart family is left to grieve the loss of their beloved Michael and seek answers about the circumstances surrounding his death.
“We’re going to do right by my son,” Enjoli said. “We’re going to make sure he has the fair arrangements. I think I’m going to take some time to process and heal.”
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