Discover these eight straightforward techniques to rid your home of spiders.
Few people relish the company of spiders, and they’re not exactly my preferred critters either. As the seasons shift from summer to cooler temperatures, spiders seek refuge indoors. Here are eight simple strategies to keep them outside where they belong.
Peppermint Essential Oil:
Spiders detest the potent aroma of peppermint essential oil. Drop a few doses onto cotton balls and place them beneath furniture and in spider hideouts. Ensure these are inaccessible to kids and pets, as peppermint oil can be harmful if consumed.
Insects, spiders included, are repelled by cinnamon. Sprinkle it around the exterior of your home, particularly near doors and windows, to minimize spider entry.
Distilled Vinegar:
Combine equal amounts of distilled vinegar and water in a spray container. Apply this mixture to any cracks or gaps in your home. Spiders are put off by the scent and will avoid these areas.
Cedar Hangers:
Swap out your regular hangers with cedar ones to dissuade spiders from nesting in your closets. Cedar’s aroma is disagreeable to spiders, halting web-building activities in your wardrobe.
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