Step 3: Then dip the stems in water to clean them to remove all impurities and help the rose cuttings.
rose stem cutting
Step 4: Put special cutting soil and sand into the pot. Then plant the stems in the ground about 5 inches from the bottom of the stem.
Step 5: The goal is for the stems not to get too wet. To do this, they must be protected from humidity. They must therefore be kept under glass for fifteen days.
Step 6: Finally, remove the bell when you see roots coming out of the drainage pot. Take cuttings and plant them in the ground.
The secret to a successful cutting is patience. The rooting time for the stems of a rose bush can take several weeks or months. When the first shoots appear, the cuttings are ready. You can then plant the cuttings in their final position to watch your rose bush bloom. This cutting technique can also be used for your houseplants. Simply cut a stem, place it in water and wait for roots to develop.
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