Another unexpected alternative to fertilizer: vegetable cooking water. You definitely make this for every meal! So stop throwing that water down the drain and save it for watering your orchids instead. Because, you need to know that during cooking, these foods release a lot of nutrients into the water. And it turns out it’s a great natural fertilizer for your plants!
NB: you should not use salt water, at the risk of killing your orchids!
Read also: Put a spoon in water and clean the baseboards. They will shine like new
When to use these natural fertilizers?
These natural fertilizers must be used with great care. If you use them too often, you risk damaging your orchid. During the winter months, fertilize at most once a month. Begin fertilizing more frequently as new shoots begin to develop.
Why doesn’t the moth orchid bloom indoors?
If you notice that your orchids develop leaves well, but do not produce flowers, it means that the conditions are not optimal for its flowering. It’s typically a light issue: your plants need light, but not direct sunlight. As for temperature, avoid drafts and install them in a warm but humid place. Lack of humidity can prevent flowering.
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