How to Grow Dragon Fruit in Pots from Seeds: A Detailed Guide | November 16, 2023


Getting the Seeds

Before you start planting, you need seeds. Here’s how to get them:

  • From a Dragon Fruit: Cut a dragon fruit in half and scoop out the seeds from the pulp. Clean the seeds by washing them to remove any attached pulp.
  • Buy Online: There are many online retailers that sell dragon fruit seeds.

2. Preparing the Seeds

  • Soaking: After cleaning the seeds, soak them in water for about 24 hours. This softens the outer shell and makes germination quicker.

3. Choosing the Right Pot

  • Size: Choose a pot that’s at least 15 inches deep and 24 inches in diameter. Dragon fruit plants have extensive root systems, and they need ample space to grow.
  • Drainage: Ensure that your pot has good drainage. This will prevent over-watering, which can cause root rot.

4. Soil Preparation

  • Type: Use a high-quality potting mix, preferably cactus or succulent mix as dragon fruit plants are a type of cactus.
  • pH Level: Ensure the soil pH is neutral, around 6 to 7.5.

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