3. Doing Laundry Wisely
To begin with, adopting smart habits when using the washing machine is essential. One cardinal rule is to run the machine only when you have a full load. Doing laundry for just one or two items is not only inefficient but also leads to excessive consumption of water and electricity.
4. Temperature Matters
One crucial aspect often overlooked is the temperature setting on your washing machine. Using excessively high temperatures, especially above 40 degrees, can significantly contribute to inflated bills and damage clothing.
5. The 30-Degree Rule
Consider adopting the 30-degree rule – an optimal temperature for most laundry loads. Exceptions may include heavily soiled items or those made from tougher materials. Finding the right balance ensures clean clothes without compromising on savings.
6. Protecting Delicate Clothing
Certain items, like underwear, are more susceptible to damage at higher temperatures. The wringing process can cause breakages or tears, emphasizing the need to handle delicate clothing with care.
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