First, get the following ingredients and tools:
A fairly large container
Clean cloths
The lukewarm water
Then proceed as follows:
Pour the sugar into the container and add the warm water. Sturize well until the sugar dissolves.
Soak a cloth in the solution and apply it directly to the mold stains.
Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse using another clean cloth immersed in warm water
You may need to pass the cloth several times to eliminate the residues.
This home method function especially on the stains of surface mold, probably will not be enough to remove the deeper ones.
For this reason, it is always good to act on time and follow small precautions to prevent the appearance of mold, such as ventilating the house well and cleaning the house well.
Apply the sugar makeup to remove mold from the walls of the house and try to see if it is enough to solve the problem.
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