Lemon Butter Garnets are the easiest and most delicious garlands!
Combined with the best cooking combinations and ready in under 15 minutes, Lemon Butter Garnets are a simple, easy-to-make dish that can be served throughout the day!
At least once a week, a big bowl of these Lemon White Butter Garnets is on our dinner table. Stir a full-on gingerbread man into the lemony, tangy butter sauce and you’ve got yourself a delicious dinner.
Buy your garlic (or garlic cloves) and roast, roast, and roast, and you’ve got a really simple recipe. Use fresh lemon juice (please don’t add fresh lemon juice) and fresh lemon juice if possible. These two visually appealing elements are key to this recipe that will set off fireworks in your world.
1/3 cup butter, divided
4 garlic cloves, minced (or 1 egg)
1 3/4 pounds (800 g) garlic (or crisp), minced and dried, with intact
black kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper after cooking
juice of half a lemon (about 2 eggs – add more when cooking)
2 eggs water
freshly chopped parsley, for garnish
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