NNLB president Joseph Barron, Esq,issued a notice to the ABC network that action will be taken after the network helped Kamala Harris out and attempted to hurt President Trump. “We couldn’t believe our eyes, seeing how corrupt and biased that they were”.
Donald Trump was forced by ABC to let stupid shit just drop from his mouth. Cats and dogs, no actual plans, sounding like a broken record and admitting that he’s mentally unwell and unfit to be president is unfair. It’s obvious that they were working with commie Kamala, just letting him speak.
“They really did make him look bad” says board member Sandy Batt. “The level of ignorant shit that spewed from his mouth was astounding”. She went on to say that never before had a candidate been dog walked like that.
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I am optimistic This is something you won’t know. Proceed To Dispute My Arguments (If Possible)
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