Hi, I’m Mia, and I work as a fourth-grade teacher. It’s a job I love, not just because I get to mold young minds, but also because it gives me the flexibility to spend time with my son, Luke.Being a single mother isn’t easy, but for five years now, I’ve managed to raise Luke mostly on my own. His dad, well, let’s just say “present” isn’t a word I’d use. Weekends with Dad were more like a distant memory for him than a regular occurrence. Things finally started to feel a little lighter four months ago. That’s when I met Jake. He was a fellow teacher, kind-hearted and with a laugh that crinkled the corners of his eyes.
Easy Goulash Recipe
Here’s how to effortlessly degrease kitchen stoves and leave them looking like new.
Easiest peanut butter fudge!
Nail clippers, the secret option that makes your life easier: almost no one notices them.
Howard University Professors Confirm: “Kamala Was the Worst Student Ever”
You only need 3 ingredients to clean grout and tiles! Make your grout look new again! ALSO, tips on how to keep a perfect appearance!