Then the doctor explained: “I can see five fetuses, maybe six. It’s hard to tell.”It turns out Oksana was expecting five babies.As you can probably imagine, this is extremely rare. Only 1 in 47 458 321 pregnancies results in quintuplets.While Oksana was still trying to process the news, the doctor ran around the hospital close to ecstatic. Nobody at the hospital had ever seen anything like it.
But for Oksana and Sergey, it wasn’t all smiling faces.“It almost felt like a nightmare, as though I would wake up at any moment,” remembers Oksana.She and her husband couldn’t help but worry: they realized that they would be forced to change all their plans for the future.“It takes time to process this kind of news. I mean, how would we manage to take care of so many children,”, says husband Sergey.
In her 30th week, Oksana went to the hospital and prepared for the birth.When she reached the delivery room, there were 8 doctors stood waiting for her.“The treated me like I was made of porcelain– they were extremely cautious,” Oksana says.
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