- Take a 2 liter plastic bottle and cut off the top with a knife or scissors.
- Pour a glass of hot water into the bottle, then add half a glass of sugar and mix well until the sugar is completely dissolved.
- Let the sugar water cool until lukewarm, then add 1/2 teaspoon of yeast.
- Mix gently, then pour the mixture into the bottom of the cut bottle.
- Place the top of the bottle upside down over the bottom, forming a sort of funnel.
- Wrap the bottle in black paper or cardboard, leaving only the funnel uncovered.
- Place the trap in a cool, wind-free place where there are many mosquitoes.
How it works
Mosquitoes will be attracted to the sweet smell of sugar water and fly to the bottle. Once inside, the mosquitoes will be trapped and will not be able to find their way out. Remember to empty and clean the trap regularly to prevent mold and bacteria growth. This DIY trap is a natural and inexpensive alternative to mosquito repellents and is also suitable for indoor use. However, it does not completely eliminate mosquitoes, but it can help reduce their presence in your home. Additionally, not all traps work the same way. Not all mosquitoes are attracted to the same traps. There are several species of mosquitoes, some of which are more sensitive to some traps than others. Some of these traps, for example, use CO2 to attract mosquitoes, others use body heat or the smell of lactic acid. And we can still say that there are different variations of DIY traps, such as those based on vinegar, beer or sugar, but it is important to know that some of these can also attract other unwanted insects.
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