The ingredient that is never missing in the kitchen: olive oil
And here is the ingredient that accompanies us in any preparation, that is never missing from the pantry, in fact it is present in huge quantities. It is used to remove dirt from the countertop, so it does not have to be extra virgin, a lower quality oil will suffice.
Oil is known for its degreasing capabilities and power that allows you to apply it to the surface and obtain an incredible result . In seconds everything shines without having to rub anything. Simply pass an absorbent paper towel over the stove and dishes to spread it all over the stove. Then rinse with water or vinegar which removes the oil in less time and that’s it.
Another combination known to many is that of vinegar and lemon, two ingredients that are often used in the kitchen to season dishes or salads, and which are also useful for cleaning the countertop.
The combination of two acidic products allows for a great clean , and the plates and burners are practically like new again in a few seconds. In fact, after the first use the burners shine. Simply pour the iron or cast iron elements into a pan, then pour a glass and a half of vinegar, the juice of a whole lemon and cover with hot water.
Finally, they are left to soak for the time necessary for the solution to act and then rinsed with clean water. The game is done.
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Of coruse, this is …
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WOULD YOU EAT 😉 Broiled Scallops 😍 1 1/2 pounds bay scallops 1 tablespoon garlic salt 2 tablespoons butter, melted Must express something to keep getting my recipes…. Thank you. Recipe in First (c.o.m.m.e.n.t ).👇 .