Salt can become an excellent ally not only in nutrition, for food preservation and also used in shower or sink drains.
Salt in the shower
Sink and shower drains can easily be a vehicle for insects such as cockroaches, carriers of bacteria that adapt to any environment and reproduce quickly, spreading diseases among the inhabitants of a home.
Bacteria and cockroaches in the pipes of the house
One of the main places where we can find cockroaches are the pipes of our home. How can we eliminate insects and bacteria that can make their home in our homes?
Pink Himalayan salt
The option of using chemicals may certainly seem like the best and fastest option, but it would not be a good idea, if we think about our health and that of the planet.
To avoid the presence of bacteria and the possible arrival of cockroaches in homes, the first thing we must do is periodically and thoroughly clean the drains to reach even the hard-to-reach areas.
Sink Drain
The areas where a deeper and constant cleaning must be carried out are the kitchen, where food remains must be removed, and in the bathroom, for example in the shower drain, due to the humidity inherent to this space in the house.
Cleaning products must include ammonia, because it helps to thoroughly clean and disinfect any space.
Damp spaces need to be dried, so it is advisable to remove all moisture from all places
Strawberry Dumplings
My aunt gave me this recipe, and I thought I had lost it. I’m happy I found something alike. This one is even more excellent!
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