Before you start growing an orchid from a leaf, prepare the necessary tools. You will need a lawn mower. The neater the better. Also stock up on a plastic container, filtered water and the following fertilizers: root, activated carbon, cytokinin paste and succinic acid.
By the way, the process of growing an orchid from a leaf is one of the most difficult and time-consuming. Rooting can take 1.5-2 years.
How to plant an orchid leaf
The spread leaf can only be removed from a healthy adult plant. First, use sharp pruning shears to separate the leaf with a piece of the stem. Now you need to activate the sleeping stump. To do this, dry the leaf after cutting it for 8 hours.
Next, lubricate the place of future root formation with a root former. Dissolve 1 tablet of activated carbon in a glass of water. Place the stalk in the solution. The neck of the shoot should be completely immersed in water.
It is also possible to stimulate the appearance of roots with the help of succinic acid. To do this, dissolve 1 tablet of succinic acid in a glass of warm water. Place the cut leaf in the solution with the neck of the sprout down. Before planting the sprout in the ground, check for signs of rot and mold.
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