Use lemon as a magical antidote for exceptional cleaning
If your toilet smells bad, pour lemon juice into the bowl and leave it unflushed for at least an hour. It will smell wonderful!
Is your microwave dirty? Place a container with water and add the juice and zest of a lemon. Turn on the device at full power for 5 minutes. The steam coats the walls and melts grease and other food residue.
If your cutting boards are dirty, sprinkle them with salt, then rub them with half a lemon and rinse them. Repeat the process until they are completely clean.
The same goes for plastic packaging. Simply rub with a sponge soaked in lemon juice and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing. You will be like new.
Now that you know all the secrets to solve the most varied daily problems, all you have to do is squeeze a lemon and get to work…
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