Before this magical recipe was revealed to me, I had tried all the cleaners, both commercial and homemade.
But the result was never perfect and traces always remained… That’s when a professional window cleaner revealed his recipe to me.
What you need
– 50 cl of hot water
– 5 cl of white vinegar
– 1/2 teaspoon dishwashing liquid
– a bucket with a handle
– a soft bristle brush
– a garden hose
– a telescopic handle (optional)
– a watering gun (optional)
This meal was a hit at the dinner party, and everyone went back for seconds.
Marshmallow Chocolate Poke Cake: A Decadent Delight for Chocolate Lovers
Pillowy Doughnut
Just Stick a Bay Leaf in a Lemon! The Amazing Effects You’ll Experience
Our thoughts and prayers are with Jon Bon Jovi and his family during this time of tragic loss.
Gluten Free Double Chocolate Cake & Chocolate Frosting
Vinegar and baking soda shiny floors: a sparkle revolution
How to Naturally Clean Burnt Pans in Seconds
SeaWorld trainer yelled ‘my neck is broken’ after being body slammed by most dangerous orca