Rusty nail trick
This trick is to be applied if your spathiphyllum’s leaves are yellowing.
Pour two liters of water into a container and dip a handful of rusty nails in it, being very careful not to cut yourself. Let the nails soak for a week, then remove them and mix the liquid with three more liters of water. Pour it all into a sufficiently large bottle.
Water your spathiphyllum once a week with this solution. Bizarre as it may seem, this method is most useful in solving the problem of iron deficiency causing yellowing of the leaves.
Coffee and onion flowering trick
Mix one liter of water with 5 tablespoons of coffee grounds. In another container pour as much water and add a few onion skins. After about 24 hours, strain both solutions and mix them together.
Use this liquid to water your spathiphyllum every 30 days. This is one of the most effective tricks to activate flowering of the spathiphyllum.
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