“Unlocking the Gardener’s Treasure Trove: 10 Ingenious Applications for Coffee Grounds” (Page 2 ) | November 8, 2023
- This natural and ecological solution is very simple. If you have a worm composter to sort your organic waste, all you need to do is add coffee grounds. An ingredient that earthworms particularly love because it makes it easier to digest organic matter in compost. Earthworms are also sensitive to caffeine and will break down these plants more quickly if you provide them with coffee grounds.
If the love we give to these furry companions cannot be questioned, that doesn’t stop us from wanting to protect our plantations. In fact, it is difficult to make them understand that we should not go near our plants. To prevent your cat from nibbling on your plants, spray the leaves with coffee grounds mixed with a little water or place some at the base of your plantations. The smell is strong enough to repel it, especially if you add some orange or lemon zest and peel. - ENRICH THE SOIL WITH NUTRIENTS
We call this one “Christmas Eve Magic” because the table falls silent when it’s served!
Carrot Cake
Dinner was a hit thanks to Mom, had to grab the recipe.
Put 2 lemons in the washing machine: You’ve never had so much laundry in your life
My hubby’s always hankering for this, so I whip it up almost every week