Can I just brag about my family for a quick sec? For my birthday, my mom took me on an amazing weekend trip to Boston … more on that later.
Then, when I got home to a to-do list the size of Mars, my sister was nice enough to make me a weeks-worth of this homemade vegetable beef soup, pumpkin pecan oatmeal cookies, and a sweet potato crust quiche for breakfasts. Am I spoiled or what?!
Don’t you just love a good soup recipe? When I think of my favorite soups, my mind immediately turns to this one.
I’ve loved this soup since before I loved boys … and that started much too soon.
Since my grandpa is a farmer, we always had an extra freezer in our laundry room full of white packages of beef. We were also fortunate enough to have a mom who cooked us dinner each night.
What that meant was a loooot of slow cooker recipes or dinner. And many of them included beef roast!
Herby Sausage and Butternut Squash Toad in the Hole Recipe
French Onion Chicken Bake
Sally Field recently turned 76 – try not to smile when you see her today
Best Snickerdoodles – Don’t Lose This
The reason why I put vinegar in the washing machine every month
“I’m Not Saving Your Show”: Roseanne Barr Declines ABC’s Offer To Join The Conners
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First Successful Face Transplant in Canada Gives New Hope to Patients